Narrative Writing Checklist

A narrative writing checklist is a list of key elements to include in a story to ensure it is engaging, well-structured, and complete.

  • Story Idea and Theme
  • Identify the main theme
  • Develop a unique storyline
  • Characters
  • Create relatable protagonists
  • Include well-rounded antagonists
  • Develop supporting characters
  • Assign distinct traits to each character
  • Plot Structure
  • Establish a strong beginning
  • Insert rising action
  • Design the climax
  • Develop falling action
  • Provide a satisfying resolution
  • Setting
  • Describe the physical setting
  • Establish the time period
  • Integrate sensory details
  • Connect the setting to the plot
  • Dialogue
  • Ensure dialogue matches characters
  • Avoid info-dumping in dialogue
  • Use dialogue to reveal personality
  • Language and Style
  • Maintain consistent tone
  • Vary sentence structure
  • Use vivid, descriptive language
  • Editing
  • Check for grammatical errors
  • Eliminate unnecessary words